Scuba Diving and snorkeling in Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria is surrounded by clear blue waters. This is a perfect place for scuba diving and snorkeling.

Recommended diving spots in Gran Canaria

The island has as many sandy beaches that delight sunbathing tourists, as well as coasts with steep volcanic terrain and rocky bottoms that provide an explosion of underwater life that many experienced divers compare to the Red Sea. There are many excellent scuba diving sites. Diving in Gran Canaria is a great experience and recomended activity for underwater enthusiasts. Nevertheless, many nice diving sites are also dangerous, many due to strong sea current.

Gran Canaria has over 30 dive sites that cater to divers of all levels. From shallow reefs to deep sea caves. The seas around Gran Canaria are home to many marine animals including barracudas, stingrays, octopuses, and several species of fish. The visibility in the waters is also excellent, on many diving site, in average conditions, it’s possible to see up to 40 meters away.


Pasito Blanco

Another popular dive site is the Pasito Blanco Artificial Reef. The reef was created artificially in the waters off Pasito Blanco.

The reef is now home to many marine animals and is an excellent place to spot barracudas, schools of fish, and occasionally even dolphins and whales. The access to the water is by boat.


El Cabrón

One of the most popular dive sites in Gran Canaria is El Cabrón Marine Reserve. The reserve is home to a diverse range of marine life, including eagle rays, moray eels, various species of fish, and octopuses. The reserve is best suited for advanced divers as the dive can be challenging.

The access to the water is from the shore, the current is normally quite high with some waves and the rocks are slippery.


El Cabrón is located north of the village of Arinaga. It is a very arid and windy area. The lava flows of three volcanoes in the area formed spectacular seabeds. With very surprising shapes near the shore. El Cabrón has many caves, archs and tunnels with lots of marine life.

The sea level during the last glaciation caused the waves to form deep caves, which are now about 20 meters below sea level.

This kind of dive can also be dangerous due to the marine currents and the lack of light. You should always go with an experienced diver.


Sardina del Norte

Sardina del Norte is located in the northwest of the island of Gran Canaria. The water is accessed from land and is a perfect place when the wind blows from the south and brings waves throughout the south and east of the island.

Sardina del Norte is far away from the tourist areas of the south but close to the priceless coastal town of Agaete, where you will find many restaurants or bars to recover from the dive and exchange experiences.


Arguineguín Reef

For those who prefer shallow dives, Gran Canaria also has several excellent shallower sites. One such site is Arguineguín Reef, which is suitable for novice divers.The reef is located close to the shore, and it’s home to many varieties of fish, octopuses, and starfish.

The reef is located close to the shore, and it’s home to many varieties of fish.


Wreck dive: Mogan's Harbor

There are many dives in Gran Canaria where it is possible to discover a wreck, and sometimes it is possible to go deep and visit the interior. Of course, with great care and surrounded by experts in this particularly dangerous type of dive.

The wreck that is sunk in front of the port of Mogan, is not the result of an accident, but it is a wreck sunk intentionally, to make the dives more entertaining.

When diving this site, one can encounter... a submarine full of passengers coming to visit the area.


Wreck dive: Gando

Gran Canaria island has a long history of navigation and shipwrecks.

To the east of the island, there is an area far from the coast but with very little depth called "Baja de Gando". It took a long time to reflect this danger in the nautical charts, so several ships sank in the area, forming today a real museum of wrecks. The area is not very deep but the currents are usually very strong. Access to the water is by boat.

Wreck dive: Plasencia

Another wreck that has some difficulty due to the currents is the Plasencia, southeast of the island. The currents in the area can be very strong. Access to the water is by boat.


Risco Verde (Arinaga)

Near the famous site of "El Cabrón", in the village of Arinaga, there is a small cove where diving is easy and can also be practiced without bottles, simply with goggles and fins. The locals call this place "Risco verde".


The seabed of Risco verde descends to a depth of about 10 m. The seabed is covered with seaweed of all colors and a lot of marine life.


Las Canteras

Las Canteras Beach is the main beach of the capital of Gran Canaria: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. It is located northeast of the city and has a long promenade 3 km long from end to end.

The beach itself is a marvel, the only downside would be that in summer, with the trade winds blowing, it is usually cloudy.


However, when there is not much swell, the northernmost part of the beach is a fabulous place to snorkel.

The profusion of life on the seabed is surprising, when you are only a hundred meters away from the hustle and bustle of the restaurants.

Snorkeling or even staying at the surface is a great experience that costs very little money.


Recommended diving company in Gran Canaria

Recommended company

Scuba diving is fun, but it is also a very serious activity. If you are just starting out, it is important to be accompanied by real professionals, who are trained and authorised to give courses, and who have all the safety equipment.

There are several dive centres on the island that meet these requirements. You can for example go to LeaguesDiving, to be attended by nice people and good professionals, so that your experience is only to enjoy and learn.