Climbing in Gran Canaria

Which are the most recommended climbing routes in Gran Canaria?

Gran Canaria is an ideal destination for those looking for a unique climbing experience. The island is known for its beautiful landscapes, stunning cliffs, and a wide range of outdoor activities. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced climber, there are plenty of spots to explore and challenges to overcome.


One of the must-visit climbing areas on the island the Tamadaba Natural Park. This area boasts over 150 routes with varying degrees of difficulty, so there's something for everyone. The climbing here is mostly on volcanic rock. The park is also home to some of the most impressive landscapes on the island, with stunning views of deep ravines and the Atlantic Ocean adding to the amazing experience.

See Tamadaba on googlemap


Another popular spot is Fataga, located in the South of the island, quite near the tourist places of Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés.

See Fataga climbing area on googlemap


La Sorrueda

La Sorrueda is a popular climbing area located in the South East of Gran Canaria. It offers a wide range of routes suitable for climbers of different skill levels. The mild weather makes it an ideal climbing destination all year round.

Climbing in La Sorrueda is a unique experience due to the volcanic nature of the rock formations. You will encounter basalt pillars and crags, which offer a variety of climbing challenges. The area is also known for its intricate canyons, offering climbers an exciting opportunity to explore their way up through natural rock formations.

There are over 350 different routes available in La Sorrueda, from beginner level routes to advanced ones.

For beginners, there are plenty of easy-to-climb routes that are perfect for getting started. One such route is called "Peña Rajada," which is rated at a grade of 5c. "La laja" is another route rated 6a. This small cliff has several routes with varying degrees of difficulty, making it a great place for new climbers to practice their skills.

Still in La Sorrueda, intermediate climbers will enjoy exploring the Palmital area, which is home to several challenging routes. 'Palmital' is a great climbing area that features multiple slab climbs and technical walls and overhangs. You will have to work hard to complete some of these routes.

Advanced climbers will be drawn to the "El Berriel" sector, where they will find some of the most challenging routes in the area. The terrain here can be steep and exposed, with some routes requiring intricate footwork and technique. If you’re looking for a real challenge, try climbing the "El Gran Derbi" route, which is rated as one of the most difficult climbs in La Sorrueda.

See La Sorrueda on googlemap


Let's climb

Climbing in Gran Canaria is a year-round activity, thanks to the island's temperate climate and sunny weather. However, the best time to climb is during the winter months when the temperatures are cooler. Most visitors choose to climb in the early morning or late afternoon when the sun is not too hot and the shadows provide a comfortable environment to climb. In Fataga, you should definitely go in the late afternoon if the day is sunny.

Gran Canaria has also many open parks in large urban centers where climbing walls have been set up. These parks are free to enter. Obviously you can not enjoy the scenery as much, but the sun and the pleasant temperatures are always there. This is a valid option for children, or when one part of the family simply wants a moment of relaxation while another part wants to practice climbing. Among the urban parks with climbing walls, the Juan Pablo II and Las Rehoyas parks in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, as well as the Maspalomas park, stand out.